Monday, September 15, 2008

What the War Nerd Said

Gary Brecher makes a very good point, that the Neocons who are suggesting that Georgia needs to be reorganized along the lines of Hezbollah do not have the best interest of the Georgians at heart.

Rather, as the War Nerd so eloquently puts it, "America’s chickenhawks are ready to turn Georgia into a nation of missing-relative-seeking refugees.":
I’m pretty sure if you asked any Georgians, they’d screech, “Agh! No! We don’t want to live like Hezbollah, cowering in our huts under constant bombardment, raising kids with no prospects but martyrdom!” But then the neocons haven’t asked anybody in Georgia. Safe in their living rooms, they think it’d be a great idea for Georgia, a very unwarlike little middle-class country, to try to imitate the Lebanese Shia who make up Hezbollah’s suicide squads.

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