Monday, September 8, 2008

Us Account of Afghanistan False: Cell Phone Pictures Tell The Tale

Well, it appears that the US claims of 5 to 7 civilians and 30+ militants have been pretty convincinbly disproven:
The Afghan government, human rights and intelligence officials, independent witnesses and a United Nations investigation back up their account, pointing to dozens of freshly dug graves, lists of the dead, and cellphone videos and other images showing bodies of women and children laid out in the village mosque.

Cellphone images seen by this reporter show at least 11 dead children, some apparently with blast and concussion injuries, among about 30 to 40 bodies laid out in the village mosque. Ten days after the airstrikes, villagers dug up the last victim from the rubble, a baby just a few months old. Their shock and grief is still palpable.
Not only is the lying stupid, but it's an attempt to justify a policy that reinforces the support of the Taliban.

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