Sunday, September 7, 2008

Oh I Give Up! Let's Just Call it the Sarah Palin Clown Show

I'm sick and tired of coming up with new medical sounding names, OK? It takes more time than it does to write the articles, because this sh%$ really writes itself.

First, it appears that Palin is taking a week or so, the nominal explation is that she is spending time with her son before he ships out to Iraq, but the real reason is that she is taking time off to "get ready", and you have to love the snark from Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo
Isn't Palin supposed to move to Cheney's undisclosed location after she gets elected, not before?
The good Mr. Marshall owes me a screen cleaner...big time.

Howard Finemannotes that senior McCain officials have said that they are using the time to bring her up to speed, and Todd Harris, who is working with the McCain campaign admits that she is not ready, and probably needs two weeks to get her act together, explaining that, "If she goes out and makes a mistake, that is something that [voters will] care about, and that's something that will haunt [McCain] for awhile, so I think this is a smart move."

Jed, or the Jed Report has even created a "where's Sarah" widget for inclusion in your web site.

On earmarks, even the Moonie Times is calling out Palin on her double-talk on earmarks....And when you've lost the Washington Times on this issue.......Well, you've lost the Moonie Times.

And we still have the gift that keeps on given, Troopergate, we have

CREW saying that Palin is attempting to subvert the investigation of her through back door channels, the Anchorage Daily News says that she is stonewalling the investigation, and Newsweek is reporting that John McCain allies are throwing up roadblocks into the investigation too.

Meanwhile, it appears that the bipartisan committee investigating the matter will push up the date of its report from October 31 to around October 10, which is not an unreasonable response to stonewalling.

Additionally, Alaska lawmakers will plan to issue subpoenas to seven witnesses, though not to Palin, because the seven canceled interviews with the investigator, reportedly after, "Ms. Palin’s lawyer, Thomas V. Van Flein, had forbidden members of her administration to have any contact with the investigator."

We also have the State Police Union filing a formal complaint that Palin and Her Evil Minions&trade improperly released information from Wooten's (the guy she wanted fired) private personnel records.

Finally, Mikew Wooten has finally gone public in this matter, talking to CNN and giving a brief interview.

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