Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain "Suspends" Campaign

It appears that he believes that his campaign the country needs him to go down to Washington so that he can inject politics into the matter.

He is also calling for a delay in the first debate, doubtless because with the financial crisis, there will have to be some questions asked on the economy, though Obama is having none of this, noting that multi-tasking and delegation are crucial skills for a president.

My theory is that he knows that no one is concerned about foreign policy right now, so he wants the foreign policy debate delayed until people will pay attention.

It's also certain that the economy would come up in the debate, even with the ostensible focus on foreign policy, so he's looking to cut and run.

Of course, it may just all be a ploy to distract people from Sarah Palin's disasterous interview with Katie Couric......How the hell do you get owned in an interview by the mistress of softball questions anyway?

H/T This Modern World for the pic

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