Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Maliki Says that Bush Wanted Changes in Withdrawal for Electoral Advantage

So Nouri al Maliki said in an interview with al-Iraqiya:
MALIKI: Actually, the final date was really the end of 2010 and the period between the end of 2010 and the end of 2011 was for withdrawing the remaining troops from all of Iraq, but they [the Bush administration] asked for a change [in date] due to political circumstances related to the domestic situation [in the US] so it will not be said to the end of 2010 followed by one year for withdrawal but the end of 2011 as a final date. Agreement has been reached on this issue. They are willing to respond positively because they, too, are facing a critical situation.
Impeach Cheney today.

Impeach Bush tomorrow.

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