Monday, September 22, 2008

Lawmaker Pushback on Paulson's Plan

I think that it's clear that Paulson's plan will be subject to sagnificant modifications in the legislative process with the Democrats seeing a need for new and stronger regulations, an equity stake in exchange for the bailout, and seeing serious questions raised by the portions of the proposed law that prohibit judicial review.

Of course, if I were them, I'd also be flipping out over the idea of Treasury hiring the Wall Street firms who f%$#ed up in the first place to manage the assets once they are purchased.

I would also note that some Congressmen want some sort of mortgage aid to distressed homeowners to be a part of the plan. (IMNSHO, allowing bankruptcy judges to handle this is the best, cheapest, and most efficient way to handle this).

I should note that the the Wall Street boys hate the idea of restrictions or equity stakes, but they have always wanted, to quote Dire Straits, their , "Money for Nothing".

It does appear, however that the White House and the Congress are narrowing their differences.

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