Monday, August 25, 2008

Coalition in Pakistan Collapses

Nawaz Sharif has withdrawn his Pakistan Muslim League-N party from its coalition with the Pakistan People's Party.

It's not surprising. The one thing that Sharif demanded from the start was the restoration of all judges, and the refusal of PPP party head Asif Ali Zardari to reinstate all the judges, particularly Iftikar Muhammad Chaudhry.

They also agreed to reduce the power of the Presidency, and to have a non-partisan candidate for the office.

What this is really about in my mind is that Zardari is remarkably corrupt, even by the standards of Pakistani governance (as if that concept is not a mind f&%$), his nick name is "Mr. 10%", and he is afraid that Chaudhry, who by all accounts is honest and non-partisan, will invalidate the grant of immunity for his corruption.

To be fair, it wasn't just him who was corrupt. His late wife, Benazir Bhutto, was hip deep in all of this too, but since she went to Harvard, and spoke excellent English, she was labeled a democratic hope for Pakistan.

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