Monday, July 28, 2008

What the F&^% is Wrong With the Obama Veep Team?!?!

Ann Veneman??? They are floating the name of Ann Veneman as a name under consideration?

She's a Republican, she prevented farmers from testing their cows for Mad Cow disease, and she is a former member of the Bush administration.

These folks want a former Bushie as Vice President?

Obama needs to get whoever is leaking this to STFU, and to get whoever suggested this to STFU too.

BTW, it turns out that The Nation is all over this, and goes into some more detail, calling Veneman "uniquely awful":
  • Her political strength is in California, which is redundant.
  • The rural and farmer communities distrust her, and in fact booed her when she visited "fly over" country.
  • Her background is as a vociferously absolutist supporter of free trade deals.
  • Her tenure as Ag Secretary was, "strictly pro-agribusiness, pro-pesticide company, pro-pharmaceutical."
  • Is a big supporter of Frankenfoods.
Additionally, I think that some of Obama's staff miss the bigger point: While his current supporters will ALL vote for him, this is the sort of choice that would demoralize them.

Note that the original source is Politico, and so is a bit suspect though.

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