Friday, July 25, 2008

Epic Fail

So, WaPo scribe Krissah Williams Thompson is talking with some young Republicans at a bar, that she describes as, "A who's who of young conservatives," and they are bumming.

Let's see, we have:
  • The 20-something who helped steer Fred Thompson's Internet operation.
  • The young woman who put Mitt Romney's Web site on the map.
  • A 24-year-old staffer for Newt Gingrich's American Solutions for Winning the Future.
  • Editor in chief of the Heritage Foundation's Web site.
  • A full time blogger at
Ummmm....I thought that conservatives were supposed to feel crappy when they failed. That they objected to efforts to raise self esteem absent of accomplishment.

When you are failures, you are supposed to feel bad.

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