Sunday, June 29, 2008

So Now The Europeans Sound Like Washington State Congressmen

There is no evidence that this is happening yet, but US merchants of death are worried that it might(paid subscription required):
Access to the European defense market for U.S. companies could be one of the first areas where the GAO decision will leave its mark. One senior U.S. industry official developing business opportunities in Europe says there’s concern that European countries will react by excluding U.S. products for consideration in competitions on their home turf.

If the Northrop Grumman/EADS North America team were to be stripped of the tanker contract, it would have “unpleasant” implications for the transatlantic security relationship on a broader scale, notes Giles Merritt, director of the Security & Defense Agenda, a Brussels-based think tank. “Europe will be in a distinctly unfriendly frame of mind” when it comes to matters such as troop commitments to Afghanistan and other initiatives that would require burden-sharing, he states.
Let's be clear. This is not yet happening. What's going on is that Americans are afraid that the Europeans will act like them.

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