Tuesday, June 24, 2008

About Those Gitmo Detainees "Returning to the Fight"

In the most recent Supreme Court decision on Gitmo, Scalia noted that 30 former detainees had, "Returned to the Fight".

Well, thanks to Sabin Willett, whose firm has represented some of those detainees, writing in the Boston Globe, we now have a definition of what this means:
It is a serious allegation, so the lawyers looked into it. It turns out that clients of our firm, who were sent to Albania in 2006, were two of the 30. What fight had they returned to? Abu Bakker Qassim had published an op-ed in The New York Times. Adel Abdul Hakim had given an interview. These press statements were deemed hostile by the Department of Defense.

Surely the Pentagon was joking? They weren't.

So I can't speak for the other 28, if indeed there are another 28, but for the two men I do know about, giving hostile interviews constituted "returning to the fight."
The basic institutions of state security in the United States have become very profoundly pathological indeed.

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