Thursday, May 29, 2008

The New McScarfyism*

It started innocently enough, with an ad from Dunkin' Donuts:

Rachael Ray, who gets pictured eating in so many places that I expect the Phoenix Mars lander to snap a picture, doing an add for Dunkin' Donuts frozen drinks.

Notice the paisley silk scarf? So did Michelle Malkin (sorry, no link to her, ever), and she claimed that it was the Arab headdress known as the Keffiyeh, and that Dunkin Donuts was "hate couture", and an endorsement of Jihad.

Well, the donut and coffee purveyor, did not do the sane thing, which would be to suggest that Malkin needs her meds adjusted, but pulled the ad and issued an apology, once again showing how American business capitulates to Jihadists.

Why am I calling Malkin a Jihadist? Let's compare Ray and run the numbers:
  1. Woman's parents were born and raised in the country which has had the longest Islamist insurgency, the Phillipines?
  2. Woman born in the United States to parents who were not legal residents at the time, giving them a leg up in getting their green card, aka the, according to Malkin, an "Anchor Baby".
  3. Uses threats and intimidation against perceived enemies, including the publication of names and addresses.
  4. Wears a Keffiyeh.

It's pretty clear to me which one is a Jihadist.

In any case, I am now boycotting Dunkin Donuts for capitulating to a terrorist.

*Credit where credit is due. I did not come up with this term. Tritumi at SP gets credit for this.

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