Tuesday, May 27, 2008

McClellan's New Tell-All Actually Tells All

Or at least a lot more than you would expect from the guy who job was to Bush's liar in chief*.

To be fair, at least from the excerpts on Politico, he does a lot more blaming of Bush's staff than Bush himself, but still, the allegations are explosive:
  • He accuses Bush of relying on propaganda to sell the war.
  • Basically calls the press a bunch of lap dogs.
  • Admits that the administration was clueless on Katrina
  • That Rove, Libby, and possibly Cheney lied to him about l'affaire Plame.
I'm not going to buy the book, paying Republicans only creates more Republicans, but I'm definitely going to borrow it at some point.

*To be fair, this is the job description of every press secretary.

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