Friday, April 25, 2008

Stupidest F&%$ing Guy on the Planet is Fired

Yes, Georgetown has decided not to renew Douglas Feith's contract
Speaking of Iraq, the Georgetown Hoya newspaper last week quoted a student saying she was 'displeased that university officials have not asked' former Pentagon undersecretary Douglas Feith'to return to teach next year.'

Asked about Feith's status, Robert Gallucci, dean of Georgetown's foreign service school, told us that when Feith was hired -- something that caused an uproar among the faculty -- it was understood he 'was on a two-year appointment.' Any decision not to renew should not be seen as 'a judgment on his performance,' Gallucci said, noting that Feith's students' 'course evaluations were really good.'
Good move.

A better one would have been never to hire the son of a bitch.

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