Sunday, April 27, 2008

No, I Haven't Worked There

Though I am currently working on similar projects, basically end of life stuff in the nuclear fuel process.*

In any case, I'm glad not to be working on a new shelter for the Chernobyl reactor. It's a no win situation. Even if you get it right, no one will know for years and years while the costs continue to mount.

Truth be told, "Even if you get it right, no one will know for years and years while the costs continue to mount," is a good metaphor for civilian nuclear power in general.

Price tag $1.4 billion and climbing.

*No specifics. My client company's business (I'm a contractor) is their business, and it is unethical, as well as unwise, to discuss this in detail.
I feel no similar compunction about commenting about how a co-worker resembles Captain Jean Luc Picard. Since this does not, nor could it be construed as sensitive or compromising information.

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