Sunday, April 27, 2008

In the United States, Any Cop Can Shoot Any Black Man in the Line of Duty, and Get off Scott Free

Let's be clear about this a crime was committed when police pumped 50 bullets into Shawn Bell's car.

At the very least, a refusal to test police for blood alcohol level, some of whom were on duty, and drinking, as part of their undercover work was obstruction of justice.

One of the pertinent quotes is, "Detective Michael Oliver, who fired 31 bullets the night of the shooting." That means that he emptied a clip into the car, reloaded, rechambered a round, and emptied another magazine, assuming he started with one in the chamber, and a 15 round clip.

So, you have drunk vice cops on a sting looking for a few strippers who might go a little bit too far, and its open season on black folks, and an acquittal by a judge who knows that if he wants to go higher, he will need the support of the police department when considered for a promotion.

The depressing thing is that when all is said and done, the New York City PD is one of the best in the nation.

God Bless America.

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