Thursday, April 24, 2008

Food Crisis Update

I guess the part of the story we expect is this:
The rising prices are "threatening to plunge more than 100 million people on every continent into hunger," Josette Sheeran, executive director of the United Nations' World Food Program, said on the agency's Web site Tuesday.
Foreign starvation, hand wringing over biofuels, etc.

Nothing to worry about here, we're Americans...right???


We are seeing severe shortages of rye flour, with no domestic supplies being available around July, and there are currently only 27 days wheat supply.

Additionally, we are seeing panic buying, which is forcing big box retailers to restrict bulk purchases of rice, so that they don't run out.

We already have hunger in the US, just look at our overburdened food pantries, and it is going to get worse.

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