Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Pope Bitch Slaps Condi Rice

OK, my opinion of Benedict has improved a bit, though he is still a reactionary idiot.

The title is not mine though, I whole heatedly approve the hed, and will defend it, but that bon mot is not mine, so I cannot take credit for it.

It appears that Pope Benedict XVI has refused an audience for Condolleza Rice.

She had requested an audience in August (you know, in order to play politics with the conventions and the November election).

The pope has denied this request, ostensibly since it was his August holiday, but really for two reasons:
  • Bush and His Evil Minions in general, and Condoleeza Rice in particular, were hostile and rude to John Paul II when he sent emissaries out to attempt to prevent the war.
  • Because the US has steadfastly rebuffed requests from the "Holy See" to prevent the ethnic cleansing to of the Christian minority in Iraq.
Condoleeza Rice should not be too upset by this, "Instead of meeting the Pope, Ms Rice had to make do with a telephone conversation with the Vatican's number two, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who was visiting the US during August on other business."

So, he won't talk to her, but his number two will talk to her on the phone.

Girlfriend, maybe he just ain't into you...You know.

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