Monday, March 31, 2008

More Iraq

Busy past few days.

Basically, even though undoubtedly better equipped, and possibly better trained, the Iraqi Army and Police are getting their asses handed to them, because they are completely unmotivated. Unlike the Hakeem family, the army and police really don't like fighting for the idea of greater Iranian hegemony in Iraq, which is clearly the goal of the current government.

Sadr is the only major Shia player who isn't in the Iranian's pockets, but he's the one we are targeting air strikes at.

In any case, after some It appears thatfits and starts, negotiations finally got underway, with an Iranian general brokering the cease fire which is not in effect, if only barely (see here, here, and

If you are wondering who won this, just reflect on Sadr's terms for a truce, release of all Sadrists not convicted of crimes, and amnesty for members of the Mahdi militia.

This is a victory for him, and for Iran.

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