Friday, March 28, 2008

Iraq Update

First, we must mention that Tahsin al-Sheikhly, a spokesman for the Iraqi government's security forces has been kidnapped by elements of the Mahdi Army (See here and here).

It makes one wonder if Maliki's really the head of the Iraqi government, or a very subtle sketch comedy troupe.

The fighting continues, and we are seeing large protests in Baghdad over this.

It's increasingly clear that Cheney wanted provincial elections to go forward, and signed off on operations against the Mahdi Army to do this, not because they would prevent elections, but because Maliki wants to take them out to prevent Sadr's party from making political gains in the elections.

Of course, Maliki is vowing "no retreat" on the operations, but if this ends with a cease fire, he's done, so it's not like he has an alternative.

In the mean time, the Maliki forces are not doing well, and it appears that US Armored forces are now actively involved. The Iraqi army is not, as they say, "standing up".

Finally, on the real reason that we are there, oil, we are seeing oil price spikes on pipeline sabotage.

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