Monday, February 25, 2008

Economics Update

It looks like the US dollar is trending downward on the expectation of further weakness in the US economy.

And in the late to the game category, business economists are finally predicting a recession.

This is not surprising, as Fed rate cuts are no longer effecting longer term rates, because people are expecting inflation to pick up, and do not wish to be repaid in devalued dollars.

It won't help that bond insurer Ambac may be downgraded even if it manages to raise $3 billion in new capital.

The problem is that people are increasingly unable to sell their homes, as shown by a 23.4% year-over-year drop in existing home sales. That's a collapse in the market.

So now, investors are lawyering up to go after corporate boards, on the theory that the guys on the boards are supposed to be professionals and to show a modicum of competence.

Pass the popcorn on this last one.

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