Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dutch to "Officially Discourage" The Wearing of Veils

The original measure was to ban the burqa in government offices and schools, but they are now going to officially, "discourage the wearing of burqas in public. .... by trying to persuade institutions such as schools and public transport companies to impose their own bans, a stop on the garment will also be imposed for civil servants."

a Burqa.
In the story above, Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders, referred to a burqa as a "Penguin suit". So it's clear that Wilders is a bigoted ass.

However, I am not conflicted on this. There is a difference between a Hijab (head scarf) and a burqa or niqab (which is similar, except that you can see the eyes).

Ignoring the security issues, which to my mind are minor, complete face covering changes the basic interaction in society, and makes meaningful and peaceful interaction difficult, if not impossible.

That being said, the banning of head scarves, such as is proposed in Spain by the opposition Conservatives, sounds to me like plain old bigotry and fear mongering.

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