Sunday, February 10, 2008

David Shuster Initially Defended the "Pimped" Statement

If you think that the video I posted of David Shuster's "Pimping Chelsea" comment seemed to show an insincere apology, the email exchange with the Clinton campaign confirms that he was even less sincere than his bull%$#@ "If anyone was offended" faux apology.

A bit of the exchange, (Philippe Reines is a Clinton adviser):
From: David Shuster
To: Philippe Reines
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 9:29 p.m.

No. That's not what I'm saying. And if you bothered to look at the transcript and saw all of the glowing things I said about chelsea and the way she was raised, you would know that.

The issue is not her making calls. As + said on the air, I have no problems with that what so ever. The issue is not her refusing interviews. The issue is that the campaign has come down hard on reporters who merely sought to ask chelsea questions. You can't have it both ways. Reporters have long respected the clintons desire that we avoid chelsea and let her have her space. But to get angry at reporters seeking to talk to her now is patently unfair. And you know that.
Honestly, this crap starts with Russert, who clearly hates the Clintons, and reaches a crescendo with Chris Matthews, though it appears that Shuster, who is twice the journalist of Matthews, and three times the journalist of Russert, will take the fall.

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