Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Senator Mitch "Private Handjob" McConnell Gets Wealthy Opponent

McConnell is getting a number of opponents, with Bruce Lunsford throwing his hat into the ring, this gets him, "Andrew Horne and another wealthy candidate, businessman Greg Fischer", all competing in the primary to face him in the general.

This is a campaign Democrats should make a priority, for the following reasons:
  • Payback for what they did to Daschle, who my spell checker flogs as "Schlemiel".
    • The campaign against Daschle in 2004 was unprecedented, the parties don't go after each other's leaders, and payback is deterrence.
  • McConnell has been the most obstructive minority ever, and he has no respect for the Senate.
  • Mcconnel is consistently polling below 50%, and that makes him vulnerable.
I have no clue who to support in the primary, but I'm not giving money to the DSCC so that they can waste money Landrieu in the ethnically cleansed Louisiana.

Whoever wins though, will go on my Act Blue page.

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