Sunday, January 27, 2008

More on Fascist Catholic Archbishop in St. Louis

Saint Louis University's basketball couch Rick Majerus tells fascist Archbishop to piss off regarding said cleric's suggestion that disciplinary action be taken against him because he showed up to a Hillary Clinton rally, and made pro-choice statements.

Ignoring the towering idiocy of demanding that a basketball coach towing anti-woman, anti sex line of Archbishop Raymond Burke, there is also the matter, rasied in my last post on this issue, that St. Louis University just won a court case regarding a tax financing for a new sports arena because they had demonstrated they were not, "controlled by a religious creed".

This is not the first time that this moron has damaged both the reputation and the institution of the Catholic Church:
Burke has spoken out before against Catholics or Catholic institutions that stray from church doctrine. During the 2004 election, he said he would not administer Holy Communion to presidential candidate John Kerry, a Catholic, because he supported abortion rights.

Last year, Burke dropped his seat on the board of a charity that let singer Sheryl Crow perform at a benefit concert. Crow supports abortion rights and embryonic stem cell research.

On Tuesday, Burke said he would ask Saint Louis University officials to take "appropriate action" against Majerus after the coach gave a TV interview at the Clinton rally during which he said he was Catholic and pro-choice.
In 1942, the Bishop of Father Coughlin to STFU. Perhaps it might be advisable for someone in Burke's chain of command to do the same.

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