Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good Analysis of Pushback (Bushback) Against Bush

I noticed that Americans United for Change will be spending $8.5 million on ads to keep Bush's approval numbers down for the rest of his term.

My first reaction was that this was a waste of money, public disapproval has never prevented Bush from doing the wrong thing. After all, he has a year left, and who cares.

Steve Benen, of the Carpetbagger, sets me right, and he makes the point that the Republicans have welded themselves to Bush for at least this election cycle, and they won't begin to extricate themselves from his toxic embrace until after tie 2008 elections.

It's true, the weaker Bush is, weaker 'Phants are, and there is this little bon mot of Mr. Benen.
And, one assumes, if John McCain gets the Republican nomination, this initiative, coupled with a ubiquitous picture of McCain hugging Bush, should help tilt the scales a little.

I just wish that I hadn't been drinking when I read that. Steve Benen ows me a screen cleaner.

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