Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fallout of US Attorney Firing Scandal

We have more politically motivated prosecutions, this time of pathologist Cyril Wecht, and that of attorney Geoff Fieger. (I've noted to the prosecutions in Mississippi ( here and here) and Don Siegelman before.)

In the case of Wecht:
Prosecutors plan to prove that Wecht used county resources in his private business, defrauded private clients with bogus travel invoices, and submitted falsified mileage receipts to surrounding counties. His attorneys say the charges are either false or amount to minor infractions, such as the improper use of fax machines.

The initial indictment charged 84 counts, but Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen Stallings recently dropped more than half of them to "streamline" the case for the jury. Wecht's attorneys called the gutted indictment signs of a rush to judgment and shoddy investigating.

In the two years since the indictment, Wecht's attorneys have attacked prosecutors for alleged political biases, although the judge won't allow them to argue political motives to the jury.

They have even accused the judge of bias. The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied their request for a new judge while chiding Schwab for admitting 300,000 pages of documents into evidence over the objections of the defense.
So we have an intensely sloppy prosecution, over an amounts that are miniscule, they are including misuse of the office fax machine.

And the US Attorney is involved.

With Feiger, best known as Kevorkiann's lawyer, but also a major Democratic party contributor (shades of Mississippi), you have a number of irregularities:
  • The U.S. Attorney two aids , were recused , and the Judge has had to compel the office to give the reasons to Feiger's lawyers.
  • The size of the raid by the FBI is such that the Judge has directed the FBI to give examples of similarly sized raids.
  • Prosecutors violated rules in not getting DoJ authorization of the investigation.
  • Typically, the FEC handles such probes.
There will be decades of fallout of the corruption and politicization of the DoJ by Bush and His Evil Minions.

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