Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bush Threatens Veto on FISA Extension, Reid Calls Him "Shamefully Irresponsible"

Bush is ratcheting up the rhetoric on the "give the phone companies a blow job" version of the FISA update, and Harry Reid is pushing back.

Bush is threatening a veto of an extension of the so called "Protect America Act", because, even though it protects phone companies for current warrantless domestic spying, it does not indemnify them for prior spying, some of which began in February 2001, more than 7 months before 911.

Let's be clear. Indemnification is not about getting phone companies to cooperate. It is about helping phone companies conceal the details of this activity, so that Bush and His Evil Minions will never face legal consequences of their law breaking.

Well, $%#@ that.

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