Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bush's Phoney War on Earmarks

When Republicans were in power, he never batted an eyelash at earmarks, which are something like ¾% of the budget, but now he's decided it's a good time to go to war against them.

Oh...me bad...He's thinking that NEXT fiscal year is a good time to start this "war on earmarks", so he's just "announcing" them at this SOTU speach.

Even the Republicans are calling weak:
But if he was seeking to placate the fiercest foes of earmarking, he failed. Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) called Bush's plan "weak." Thomas A. Schatz, president of the conservative Citizens Against Government Waste, labeled it "fiscal snake oil."
Well, I guess it meats steroids.

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