Thursday, January 31, 2008

911 Panel Ececutive Driector Had Close Ties to Bush and His Evil Minions™ and Regularly Talked to Karl Rove

What a bloody surprise. Neocon, and former Concoleeza Rice aid Philip Zelikow is hired as the executive director of the 911 commission, and it turns out that we was working to protect Bush, not the country. (here, here, and here)

The problems:
  • "In his book, Shenon also says that while working for the panel, Zelikow appears to have had private conversations with former White House political director Karl Rove, despite a ban on such communication, according to Holland. Shenon reports that Zelikow later ordered his assistant to stop keeping a log of his calls, although the commission's general counsel overruled him, Holland wrote."
  • Staffers accuse him of refusing to allow a report showing Rice to be incompetent to be submitted.
  • Zelikow was responsible for demoting Richard Clark, but never told the committee members about this.
  • His resume given to the 911 commission omitted details of his involvement in the events leading up to 911.
  • He told his secretary to stop logging his phone calls.
Zelikow claims that, "Out of 85 staffers, half a dozen were disgruntled, Zelikow told ABC News. "Under the circumstances, that was a pretty low fraction," he said. "But they all talked to Shenon."

No for whistleblowing, 1 out of 500 is a low fraction. 1 our of 15 is insanely high.

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