Friday, December 28, 2007

Why We’re All Going to Hell, Part 54,302

John Scalzi, in his blog post, Why We’re All Going to Hell, Part 54,302, makes the point that should be made: When the press covers someone giving away billions of dollars to the hungry, sick, and infirm, and the big story for the media is, "What does this mean for his narcissistic no-talent grand daughter?*", we are all going to hell, particularly the wankers in the media who have decided to cover it this .

I might further argue that we are already in hell.

*Early in the brief 7 ½ month history of this blog, I made a promise not to mention She Who Must Not Be Named, which was expanded a while back to They Who Must Not Be Named. Therefore, I will not mention her name, or their names, unless they run for office.

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