Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mukasey Limits White House Access to Investigations

This was the policy before the tenure of Abu Gonzalez, when political operatives had unlimited access to the DoJ, and now we are back to a situation where WH operatives will not have the access exert undue political influence on ongoing investigations:
The original policy authorized more than 40 Justice Department officials and 400 White House officials to know about ongoing investigations, according to Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, a leading Democratic proponent of changing the policy.

During the Clinton administration, seven White House and Justice officials were permitted to receive such information.

Justice Department spokesman Peter Carr said Mukasey's new policy mirrors the Clinton administration's, but allows more officials to receive details about national security matters.
This is my first pleasant surprise from Bush and His Evil Minions&trade in a long time.

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