Wednesday, December 26, 2007

CIA Coverup: Muzzling Its Inspector General

According to this LA Times acricle, the retributive prope of the the CIA Inspector General by the CIA has yielded the desired results, "CIA Inspector General John L. Helgerson has consented to more than a dozen procedural changes designed to address complaints that investigations carried out by his office were unfair to agency employees".

The fact that the IG signed off on a letter from an Assistant AG Kenneth Wainstein telling congress to back off on its investigations without any explanation of how such an investigation could jeopardize the AG/IG investigation, is a pretty good explanation of what happened.

It appears that the old saying is true, an operation is preformed, and there are three possible results:
  • The boy dies.
  • The boy sings soprano in a choir well into adulthood.
  • The boy becomes the CIA's inspector general.

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