Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ron Paul, Get off Your Ass and Campaign!

Open Left examines the campaigns of the candidates, and comes up with this informative information on the number of campaign events for each:
  1. Romney: 400
  2. Richardson: 347
  3. Edwards: 344
  4. Obama: 331
  5. McCain: 316
  6. Clinton: 293
  7. Dodd: 225
  8. Huckabee: 214
  9. Giuliani: 201
  10. Brownback: 198
  11. Biden: 177
  12. Kucinich: 149
  13. Tancredo: 118
  14. Hunter: 90
  15. Ron Paul: 82
  16. Thompson: 50
  17. Gravel: 35

Ron Paul, currently above 7% in New Hampshire is third to last in number of campaign events.

Behind him is Fred Thompson, who has been running only since September, and Mike Gravel, who is not a serious candidate.

If Ron Paul wants to be considered a serious candidate, and he has been raising money well, and could do well in places like New Hampshire, where independents can vote in the primaries, then he needs to campaign like a serious candidate.

Given his exposure, the fact that Kucinich has nearly twice as many campaign events, and Tancredo and Hunter are well ahead of his numbers is an indication that he is not serious.

How much do you want to bet that this will get a comment from a fervent Paul supporter? I've yet to post an entry on him that hasn't, so his internet campaign is organized, but he needs to do more work in meatspace.

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