Monday, October 22, 2007

Rampant Torture Makes Cases Against Real Terrorists Impossible

It now turns out that the CIA was so torture happy that the FBI is finding it difficult to make cases against major Al Queida operatives, and they are scrambling to find alternate evidence.
The FBI is quietly reconstructing the cases against Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and 14 other accused Al Qaeda leaders being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, spurred in part by U.S. concerns that years of CIA interrogation have yielded evidence that is inadmissible or too controversial to present at their upcoming war crimes tribunals, government officials familiar with the probes said.

The process is an embarrassment for the Bush administration, which for years held the men incommunicado overseas and allowed the CIA to use coercive means to extract information from them that would not be admissible in a U.S. court of law -- and might not be allowed in their military commissions, some former officials and legal experts said. Even if the information from the CIA interrogations is allowed, they said, it would probably risk focusing the trials on the actions of the agency and not the accused.
We are talking about folks like Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is so guilty that it boggles the mind, but Bush and His Evil Minions are so enamored with torture that they tainted the evidence.

I thought that it would be impossible for Bush to screw up a prosecution worse than that of Saddam Hussein, but they are now on a path to do so with KSM.

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