Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sy Hersh Details Bush/Cheney's Plans for Attack on Iraq

It appears that the Bush administration is changing their justification for an attack on Iran. No one is believing their nuclear weapons claims (gee, I wonder why?), so now they are claiming that Iran is actively arming and supporting unsavory and violent elements in Iraq (like the Malaki government, I guess).

The explosively formed projectile claims are bogus. The IRA was making these in Irish basements 30 years ago, and they have found workshops where they are being made.

Explosives are from the unsecured ammunition dumps in Iraq.

And then, there is the issue that any US attack will secure the position of the Iranian government for the next 20 years, as Saddam's attack did 25 years ago.

I don't see Congress doing anything to stop him, and absent that, the only possibility of stopping this is a mutiny of the general officer corps, which is potentially far worse than an attack on Iran.

As I have stated before, I believe that the US intends to use nuclear weapons in this attack, and the long term consequences of this are catastrophic (the short term consequences are $200/bbl oil).

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