Saturday, September 29, 2007

NPR Tells White House That He Doesn't Get His Choice of Toady to Interview Him

The White House offered NPR an interview with George W. Bush, with the stipulation that Juan Williams (Softball Interviewer, Toady to Right Wingers, and Incompetent) interview him. NPR said no interview unless they chose the interviewer, so the White House had him interview Bush on....wait for it....Fox News.

I never how Juan Williams has managed to keep a job. I have never heard him do a story, or an interview, competently, and he brushed off Clarence Thomas's sexual harassment without revealing that he himself was a sexual harasser.

My conclusion is that he has been coasting on his book Eyes on the Prize* for about 25 years.

*I bet you were expecting me to accuse him of an being an affirmative action hire, but I don't think that he is. I think that he has gotten his job because on the fact that he was prominently competent once (never to be repeated).

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