Friday, September 21, 2007

My Thoughts on Jena

I haven't really commented on this, but I've gotten a couple of comments to the effect of, "Isn't this a tempest in a teapot."

The Answer is Hell No!!!

Let's roll tape:

  • Some black kids hang out under a "white" tree, and nooses are hung on it the next day.
  • The principal wants to expel the f$#@s who did this, but the school board makes it a two f$#@ing day suspension.
  • The black students decide to sit quietly under the tree as a non-violent protest.
  • The police are called in, and the DA threatens the black kids (and it's clear that is what he did) at a school assembly.
  • Tensions are inflamed with at least two instances of groups of white kids beating down a black kid, no prosecutions.
  • The same school board that allowed the noose hanging perps to walk refused to allow black students and parents to testify before them.
  • In the fight in question, the kid who was beaten up, but is not even kept over night.
  • The students involved in the fight are charged by the same DA who threatened them with attempted murder.
  • The one student who has made it to trial maintains that he wasn't even there, but his public defender refuses to call any witness and the all white jury convicts him of aggravated assault.
  • That conviction has been overturned because an appellate judge basically said, "are you out of your f$#@ing mind charging this kid as an adult."
You're right, it's just some uppity n***ers, no discrimination here.

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