Monday, September 3, 2007

Back from Camping

Went to Atlantia Coronation. Basically, this is an SCA thing, historical reenactment set in medieval times.

We all had fun, and were very well fed. It was held at a boy scout camp about 40 miles west of DC.

The worst thing that happened was that one Natalie's dulcimer strings snapped while tuning (Cheap dulcimer).

I also strapped on my stupid had and got some getting hit over the head lessons1. Got a doozy of a bruise on my leg, a wrap shot to the leg. The Bruise pattern shows that it was a quite well executed shot.

I need to get into bloody shape...I was puffing like a buffalo.

My wife entered her stump work2 in the arts competition, and while she did not win, she got some useful and constructive criticism.

1This is simulated medieval combat using armor and wooden weapons swung at full force.
2A sort of textured embroidery done various thicknesses of threads, beads and/or sequins...Also called raised work.

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