Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Small F#$%ing World, But I'd Hate to Paint It.

I was in the lunch line today, waiting to wrap my food, and the guy ahead of me was having problem with cling wrap. (have to wrap the food if you leave the cafeteria)

I made a comment about the stuff being the bane of everyone's life, and he looks up, and goes "Matthew Saroff!!!"

It was Scott Campanella, who ran member services for ages at Arisia*. He's also at BD, but he works at a different building in the industrial park.

Small bloody world.

I think that we've both picked up a bit of weight (I KNOW I have), and he's gotten all the hair that I've lost (that picture in the profile is 28 years old).

On a note of meta, I'll be changing the blog address today, to something a bit more mnemonically friendly (i.e. NOT misspelling the word "forty" ). I've already figured out how to autoforward from this addy.

I'm working on this, so posting will be light.

*Arisia is a science fiction convention in Boston that I founded in the early 1990s, I ran the first two.

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