Monday, July 30, 2007

Who Hasn't Been Tempted to Do This?

It appears that NASA has lost nearly 100 million of taxpayer purchased equipment in the past decade.

It appears that there are few controls in place for about $35 billion of assets.

That being said, the story of the lost laptop is my favorite:
It cites one employee who excused himself (or herself) of losing a laptop worth $4,000 with the explanation that the machine had burned up in the atmosphere.

The lost equipment report included the following explanation: "This computer, although assigned to me, was being used on board the International Space Station. I was informed that it was tossed overboard to be burned up in the atmosphere when it failed."
That sure as hell beats, "the dog ate my homework".

You know, if I were in orbit, that's what I'd do to a computer that was #$%%ing up badly. I'd watch it all the way down.

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