Thursday, July 26, 2007

Us Screwing the Pooch in Afghanistan

It appears that the Italy Foreign Minister is calling on the US to end operation Enduring Freedom in Afghaninstan.
The Italian foreign minister said Wednesday that the separate U.S.-led operation in Afghanistan overlaps with NATO’s mission and should be ended.

Massimo D’Alema, speaking to a parliamentary commission, said the NATO mission and the U.S. Operation Enduring Freedom raise problems of coordination, posing risks for the Afghan population.

His comments reflected recent NATO concerns that civilian casualties could undermine public support for the international security mission in Afghanistan.
Basically, this comes down to the fact that the US's bomb-happy policies in Afghanistan are driving Afghans to the Taliban, and interfering with rebuilding and securing the country.

Basically, it appears that the US military needs adult supervision.

I don't find this surprising. The US military has been disdainful of these sorts of operations since it adopted its post Vietnam mindset, as evidenced by steadfast refusals to apprehend people with credible allegations of crimes against humanity in Kosovo.

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