Thursday, July 26, 2007

This Is Not Funny, It's Repulsive

It appears that Municipal Judge Michael Cicconetti, of Painesville, Ohio, is a power drunk jerk, which is all the more remarkable since a municipal court judge does not have much in the way of power.

In any case, ordered three men charged with soliciting sex to take turns dressing in a bright yellow chicken costume while carrying a sign that reads "No Chicken Ranch in Painesville."

I'd call him a schmuck, but a schmuck has a head.

This might be a cute movie, or a funny Simpsons episode, but in real life it's an example of abuse of power, and this is not the first time:
It's not the first time Cicconetti has used barnyard animals in his sentences. He ordered a man who called a policeman a pig to stand next to a live pig in a pen and hold a sign that read "This Is Not a Police Officer." A couple who stole a baby Jesus statue from a manger were sentenced to dress as Mary and Joseph and walk with a donkey.
I'm upset at the tone of the story too, that says we are all supposed to laugh about it.

Professional misconduct is nothing to laugh about.

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