Sunday, July 22, 2007

Stars and Stripes: Democrats move to rein in use of private contractors in Iraq

It's about bloody time.
Democrats move to rein in use of private contractors in Iraq

Mideast edition, Friday, July 20, 2007

The Senate’s nine freshman Democrats announced a new effort Wednesday to rein in the use of private contractors to rebuild Iraq and to do an array of war-related jobs normally assigned to the military, The Virginian-Pilot reported Thursday.

According to the report, the group will ask Congress to create a “Commission on Wartime Contracting” that would assign auditors already employed by the federal government to ferret out waste and mismanagement in the more than $300 billion Iraq reconstruction effort.

This has been an ongoing scandal. Whether it's the dangerously unaccountable mercenaries from groups like Blackwater, or KBR serving substandard food provided by slave laborers, this war profiteering has been a national disgrace.

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