Monday, February 11, 2008

Bush and His Evil Minions™ To Use Phony Gitmo Courts to Try 911 Suspects

The trials will be under the Any trials would be held by military tribunal under the terms of the Military Commissions Act, which is a mistake.

As representatives of the military say in the case, "Relatively little amounts of evidence will be classified," and to use unfair and widely ridiculed courts at Guantanamo is a further stain on the reputation of the US.

I believe that Bush's goals of this is two fold, to help the Republican presidential nominee in the general election, and to attempt to ensnare his successor in the military commissions quagmire, so as to avoid war crimes charges against himself.

These cases are, or should be, a ...dare I say it... a "slam dunk, and they can, and should, be conducted in US courts under US rules, not phony courts under Gulag rules.

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